Elevate Helps Students Reach Higher!

Meet the Founder

Laura DeOtte STEM Tutoring

Laura DeOtte

Amy tutor with STEM

Amy Upchurch

B.S. in Chemical Engineering with a minor in Biomedical Engineering from Colorado State University

Amy fell in love with chemistry in high school, and further enjoyed developing her understanding of the natural world in college. She grew up in Colorado Springs and loves hiking, music, and blues dancing. 

She loves tutoring because it allows education to be tailored to the individual student, instead of the other way around. 

She has always enjoyed teaching herself new things and loves helping her students find the same joy of learning. 

Toby Koch

MPH in Epidemiology of Microbial Disease from Yale University, PhD student at CSU

Toby Koch never thought he would find himself getting a Ph.D. because he never thought himself “smart.” It took many years for him to realize that curiosity is the most important factor in having a career in science.

Toby tries to impart this realization to all his students through exercises that promote self-discovery and active learning. The brain functions as a muscle that can expand and grow to comprehend more complex ideas the more we exercise it. 

He started tutoring during his undergraduate program and is currently a Ph.D. student at CSU where he also teaches microbiology.

Toby Koch
Paige tutor

Paige Gonczeruk

Studying for B.S. and M.S. in aerospace engineering and astrophysics at UCCS

Paige Gonczeruk started to love math after getting a tutor in junior high that introduced math in new ways and with such joy. Paige loves to help students find the same joy and love she has for math that her past tutors helped her find. 

Paige wants to help students no longer fear going into math and science classes but look forward to the challenge, knowing someone is always in their corner cheering them on and available to help with questions at all times!

Photo of Daniel Wedding

Daniel Wedding

Software Developer

Daniel, a native of Colorado Springs, began programming at the age of 10, driven by a desire to create and understand the software he used. His neurodivergence facilitated a swift grasp of programming concepts, leading him first to develop video games and then turn his efforts to software engineering.
Daniel’s passion for tutoring stemmed from his commitment to support other neurodivergent youth in entering the tech industry, especially those struggling with traditional classroom settings. Daniel finds great fulfillment in tutoring, helping others discover the joy of creating and understanding the foundations of the software we use everyday.

Daniel enjoys exploring Colorado, driving around the state to appreciate its natural beauty, particularly its waters and winds, and capturing these moments through photography during his breaks or hikes.

Let's Find the Best Tutor for You or Your Child!

Contact Elevate STEM Tutoring to start working with one of our tutors. We pair students with tutors primarily based on subject but also on personality, learning style, and interest.

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